Now Fly Direct – JFK to Nairobi

Over recent years, Kenya has become an increasingly popular travel destination – here’s why! As one of the top countries in Africa for safari and the origin of safari, vacationers wander all over from Giraffe Manor to the Great Mara plains on their luxury East African adventures.

girraffe-kenya-walk-optimisedBut the journey from the U.S. to Kenya has always been quite long, and often required a lengthly stopover.


After nearly two years, new flight plans have finally been approved, are in use and are open for bookings. This is a paramount moment for African flying as Kenya Airways is the very first to fly non-stop from the eastern coast of Africa directly to the United States.

Angama Mara East Africa Kenya Safari Tour

Now you don’t have to wait to see more than ten different species of mammal in one spot! With Kenya Airways’ introduction of the first long-haul flight between the U.S and Nairobi, holiday-makers will find their journey much quicker and simpler. This new daily direct flight will have you photographing Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelle in no time.

Great Migration Tanzania Masaai Mara East Africa Safaris Lion Kill

These daily flights are the fastest connection from East Africa to New York. Thanks to favourable winds, the flight from Nairobi to New York is a short 15 hours and an even shorter 14.5 hours on the westbound journey. The 7360 mile distance has never seemed this short. This new flight schedule has opened up more than 40 possible travel connections to various African destinations from the airline’s hub in Nairobi.

If long flights and unnecessary layovers have kept you in two-minds – now is your chance to book your seat on that Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner. Be on of 234 passengers on their way to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport where the quintessential African panorama awaits you!

If you are heading to Giraffe Manor in Nairobi or one of the many exquisite properties in the Mara and want to know how to make the most of your experience, read more here. 

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