Travel With Purpose
“If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean or simply across the river. Walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food.” – Anthony Bourdain
Iconic Africa, together with our partner Wilderness Safaris has hand-crafted some unique “travel with a purpose” adventures for our valued clients.
Introducing the much-anticipated 2019 portfolio of four life-changing, ‘purposeful’ journeys – crafted to offer guests access to unique and privileged, behind-the-scenes conservation and community projects run by Wilderness Safaris and their partners.
Wilderness Safaris has been creating life-changing journeys such as these for more than 35 years, and their ‘purpose’ today is stronger than ever when it comes to sincere dedication to conserving and restoring Africa’s wilderness and wildlife.
“Wherever there are wild animals in the world, there is always an opportunity for caring, compassion and kindness.” ― Paul Oxton
Traveling with a purpose means a greater commitment to truly experiencing foreign lands, people and food than simply collecting a string of photographs or chaotically ticking off a mental bucket-list. These four journeys will let you be more present and take an active role in creating lasting memories that can never be forgotten.
Let travel change your life and others; let travel become a part of you. With Iconic Africa and Wilderness Safaris you can touch down in exotic locations whilst opening up so many doors and opportunities for yourself and local communities. Submerge yourself in something bigger this year. Wander off the beaten track, interact with indigenous tribes, and give back to wonderful projects so that the world can in turn give back to you.
Find out more about our exciting ‘purpose journeys’ in Rwanda, Seychelles, Kenya, and Zimbabwe and take part in a world of philanthropy, conservation, wildlife, culture and adventure. To find out more, click on the links below.
Great Apes and Rainforests: Experience behind-the-scenes conservation work in Rwanda; meet the Endangered mountain gorilla and help habituate chimpanzees for future ecotourism.
Paradise with Purpose: Explore one of the most beautiful islands on earth while actively participating in a survey and ringing of the Seychelles white-eye population and translocating some of the North Island population to other islands to further protect the species.
Kenya Natural Wonders: Experience the Great Rift Valley, a dormant volcano, a vital water tower and learn more about the rare and elusive Critically Endangered mountain bongo.
Hwange Elephant Collaring: In west Zimbabwe, amongst its grasslands and mopane woods are large herds of elephant. Help collar elephants, count wildlife, discover anti-poaching patrol, and meet neighbouring communities.
Enquire about adding one of these experiences to your itinerary with one of our team members. You can have a magnificent time with plenty of adventure and also leave a positive impact on the place you’re visiting at the same time.
The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience – Eleanor Roosevelt